Getting married and holding a wedding is generally a very happy and exciting time in a person’s life. So exciting, that some people do it more than once!
A wedding is a fantastic opportunity to host a great party for all your family and friends, and to celebrate and acknowledge your relationship. However, there are lots of things to tick off leading up to a wedding day. Having had a few of our staff members recently tie the knot, we have a few handy hints for those of you who have their big days coming up:
- Don’t stress about the weather. It is the only thing that is outside your control. If you are having a beautiful beach wedding, create a backup plan in case the weather isn’t doing what you want it to do, and appoint somebody else to be in charge of all of the ‘change of plans’ logistics. The last thing you want to be doing is ringing 100 guests two hours before your ceremony!
- Make sure you are marrying the right person. Hosting a wedding can be expensive – unfortunately, undoing it all can be even more expensive.
- Consider updating your wills. Did you know that your will is automatically revoked once you sign a marriage certificate? The only exception to this is if you sign a will that specifically says the will is made in contemplation of an upcoming marriage. So even if you already have a will, you and your spouse should both consider updating your wills, or if you have never had them before, consider putting them in place.
- Have a think about where you want your assets to go if your relationship ends, either by choice, or sadly, by the death of one of you. The rules are complex – so it is best to have a chat to your lawyer first, and they can let you know if any documents need to be prepared. Trust us – it is a lot easier, cheaper and less stressful to work this out during your honeymoon period, rather than further down the track.
- Relax and enjoy your special day with your friends and family. Remember that the things that go wrong can make the best stories!
If you would like to have a chat with one of our lawyers to see if you need to consider putting in place a will or a contracting out agreement, don’t hesitate to give us a call or email. We promise it won’t be awkward!