Many people assume that a will automatically covers all assets they own at their death. However, this is not necessarily so. There are some important exceptions, and it is essential that you understand them when you undertake an estate planning review with your lawyer.
What Assets Does A Will Cover?
The general starting point is that a will covers all assets in your name at your death. It will automatically cover assets in most overseas countries as well as those in New Zealand, unless your will specifically states that it only applies to assets in New Zealand.
Do You Have Assets Overseas?
If you have assets overseas, let your lawyer know as it is usually best to have a separate will for each country in which you have assets.
What Assets Are Not Covered By A Will?
What’s Next
Every estate planning exercise with your lawyer should start with a careful review of all your assets, one at a time, to establish exactly how they are owned. Only then will your lawyer be able to prepare a will for you that ensures that your exact wishes are carried out on your death. Your will is one of the most important documents you will enter during your life. It should not be rushed or neglected. It deserves proper time and effort with an experienced lawyer to get it right!